This class allows light objects that provide many of the characteristics of a frame, including the posting, closure, insertion of icons, resizing, title and support for a menu bar.
The contentPane is managed by an instance of the class JRootPane, which handles distribution of objects and a menu bar option for the internal frame.
is recommended to place a JDesktopPane internal frames.
Constructor | Description | |
JInternalFrame () | Create an internal frame is not resizable not lockable, not maximize, iconify, untitled no. | |
JInternalFrame (String title) | Create an internal frame is not resizable, closable no, not maximize, and iconify not indicated as the title parameter. | |
JInternalFrame (String title, boolean resizable) | Create an internal frame is not lockable, not maximize, iconify but no title and scalable. | |
JInternalFrame (String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable) | Create an internal frame does not maximize, iconify but no title, resizable, and closable along the lines indicated. | |
JInternalFrame (String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable, boolean maximize) | Create an internal frame iconify but no title, resizable, closable and maximizable along the lines indicated. | |
JInternalFrame (String title, boolean resizable, boolean closable, boolean maximizable, boolean iconify) | Create an internal frame title, resizable, closable, maximize, and iconify. | |
Return Type | Method | Description |
void | dispose () | ago the internal frame invisible, unselected and closed. |
Container | getContentPane () | Returns the content Pane |
| getDefaultCloseOperation () | Returns the value of the transaction that occurs when the user closes the frame. |
Component | getFocusOwner () | If the JInternalFrame is active, returns the focused element. |
Icon | getFrameIcon () | Returns the icon displayed in the title line of the internal frame. |
JMenuBar | getJMenuBar () | returns the JMenuBar the internal frame, or null if not. |
Component | getMostRecentFocusOwner () | Returns the internal frame element was the focus when the frame was selected. |
String | getTitle () | Returns the title. |
boolean | isClosed () | Returns true if the internal frame is lockable, otherwise returns false. |
| boolean isClosed () | Returns true if the internal frame is closed, otherwise returns false. |
boolean | isIcon () | Returns true if the internal frame has icon, otherwise returns false. |
boolean | isMaximizable () | Gets the property value maximized. |
boolean | isMaximum () | Returns true if the internal frame is maximized returns false otherwise. |
boolean | isResizable () | Returns true if the internal frame is resizable, otherwise returns false. |
| isSelected () | Returns true if the internal frame is selected, otherwise returns false. |
void | remove (Component comp) | removes the given component as a parameter of its container. |
void | reshape (int x, int y, int width, int height) | Move and resize the internal frame to the value of the given parameters. |
void | setClosable (boolean b) | lockable ago the internal frame if the parameter is true. |
void | setClosed (boolean b) | Closes the internal frame if given parameter value is true. |
void | setDefaultCloseOperation (int operation) | Define the operation should happen by default when the user closes the internal frame. The default is HIDE_ON_CLOSE. Other possible values \u200b\u200bare DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE and DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE |
void | setFrameIcon (Icon icon) | Sets icon on the internal frame. |
void | setJMenuBar (JMenuBar menu) | Sets the menu bar of the internal frame with the menu given as parameter. |
void | setLayout (LayoutManager manager) | establishes a different distribution to that provided by default. |
| setMaximizable (boolean b) | Sets maximizable property through the given value as a parameter. |
void | setMaximum (boolean b) | Maximize the internal frame. |
void | setResizable (boolean b) Set | resized property through the given value as a parameter. |
void | setSelected (boolean selected) | Selects or deselects the internal frame, as the parameter value. |
void | setTitle (String title) | Sets the internal frame's title. |
void | show () | Shows the internal frame. |
void | Toback () | Send the inner frame forward. |
void | toFront () | Send the internal frame forward. |
- Design an application that allows, through internal frame to place a button inside the main frame. For each frame that is created must be assigned a number. In the bottom place another button to close all the frames that were closed.
- create a new project to which we add a package and this package will add a JFrame Form Principal Name (To see how to create a NetBeans project visit this entry ).
- this frame will give you ownership of BorderLayout, for this click on the frame → → BorderLayout setLayout (if you want to know more about the layout visit this link ) once this place a JScrollPane in the center (use the left side look for the JScroolPane NetBeans and drag to center the frame) and above the place the JDesktopPane JScrollPane, then place two buttons one on the north and one south, so the project should be:
NOTE: The JDesktopPane is essential in a frame that will contain JInterlFrame. The scroll contains the content JDesktop because it may exceed its size and if the bar should appear displacement.
- Once you create the interface, we create the logic of the program: go to the Source tab to go to the source code and declare two variables (an accountant and an initial position - which itwould will be the position in which appear the first JInternal Frame)
public class Main extends javax.swing.JFrame
{private int counter = 1;
private int position = 0;
public Principal () {
initComponents () ;
setSize (400.400);}
- returned to the design and double-click the Create button to set the action (we will btnCreaActionPerformed private void method (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) on which to place the following:
btnCreaActionPerformed private void (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
/ / TODO add your handling code here:
creaInternalFrame ();}
creaInternalFrame public void () {
JInternalFrame f = new JInternalFrame ("InternalFrame" + counter
true, / / \u200b\u200bchange size
true, / / \u200b\u200bcloses
true, / / \u200b\u200bmaximize
true / / collapsible
f.setLocation (position * 50 + 10, position * 50 +10);
desktop.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (400 + (position * 50), 400 + (position * 50)) )
f.setSize (200.150);
f.setBackground (new Color (200,255,255 ));// desktop.add
background color (f) / / placed on the desktop
f.setVisible (true); / / makes it visible in the foreground
counter + +;
position + +;}
- now return to the logic design to give the close button:
private void
btnCierraActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
/ / TODO add your handling code here:
desktop.removeAll ();
desktop.repaint ();
counter = 1;
position = 0;}
- get it done this siguinente :
- If you wish to download the sample Skydrive visit my site (where you can find more examples - in the top menu to find the link -) or simply give him click the download button:
- create a new project to which we add a package and this package will add a JFrame Form Principal Name (To see how to create a NetBeans project visit this entry ).
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