Friday, December 31, 2010

So Little White Worm From Cat

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Merry Merry Christmas!

Well a few days to Christmas officially arrives, here are my congratulations, full of good wishes!
The protagonists of these pictures are this time Christmas Blythes Petit, and occasionally mentioned, are much smaller than conventional Blythes and have no face so expressive, perhaps, but I love them equally, I like both dolls!

I wish you all a happy new year, your plans are met and above all, that you still keep the ingredients to be happy, which is ultimately most important, and if you lack one, seek recipe and try to build it!

My intention was to show my Bethlehem, a charming village that began collecting cabezones years ago my husband and me, but I could not make time and weather conditions not to take very good pictures that say! here in Sevilla torrential rains for days, if we add that to my kids go griposos ... (Little I can do!
And you do you like better, Bethlehem, the Christmas Tree:)
prepare for this new year sorteito!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Masterbates For First Time

Angeles Worshiping God TRIDENTE PARACAS



the beginning of time God created out of nothing, substances that are called spiritual angels, angels are spiritual beings created by God, to worship and serve as his messengers.


Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation the angels appear. Gen

3.24: drove the man and stood before the garden of Eden cherubim wielding flaming sword to guard the way of the tree life.

Gen 16.7 s: the angel of Yahweh found near the fountain in the desert south road, and said, "Hagar, servant of Sarai, where you come from and where are you? ...

Gen 19.1 s, came two angels to Sodom and evening ...

Gen 22.11 s (sacrifice of Isaac) But she shouted from heaven, the angel of the Lord ....

; Ex 20.11: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and what they contain ...

23.20 Ex: I will send an angel before you, to defend on the road ... Ex

23.23: for my angel go before you ... Tob

5.21: Because a good angel is with you, have a safe journey and safe return. Tob

12.15: I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who present the prayers of the righteous and have input before the majesty of Ghost. "

Is 6.2-3: There was before the Seraphim, each one had six wings: with two he covered his face and with two they covered their feet, and with the other two flew, and the one and the other they cried and answered: Holy, Holy, Lord of hosts! This land full of your glory! Dan

3.49, but the angel of the Lord descended in the oven with Azariah and his companions ... Dan

3.86: Bless, spirits and souls of the righteous, the Lord ...

6.22 Dan: My God sent his angel, ... Mat

26.53: Do you think that I can not ask my Father, who put at my disposal to the point more than twelve legions of angels ? Col.

2.10 "is the head of all principality and power." Col

: 1.16: For in him were created all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him

, 1 Tim. 5.21: "Before God, Jesus Christ and the elect angels, I beseech you to do this without bias, keeping you from any spirit of partiality."

2 Thess 1.7: "For it is just reward in God's eyes with affliction those who afflict, and you, afflicted with a break in the company in the manifestation of our Lord Jesus from heaven with angelic militias.

Gal. 1.8: "But even if we or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached, let him be accursed."

, Gal. 3.19: "The law was enacted by the Angels.

Gal. 4.14: "as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus."

I Cor 4.9: "We have been a spectacle for the world, to angels and men."

I Cor 11.10: "And women should wear the sign of the subject out of respect for the angels."

II Cor 11.14: "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."

1Pe.3, 22: "Claiming God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ once subjected to the Angels, powers and virtues, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. " 1Pe

1.12: "I have now been announced that I evangelized moved by the ES, sent from heaven and that they Angeles wish to contemplate. " Pe 2.4

II: "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but precipitates in the Tatar, delivered to dark caves, to be held for trial. " Pe 2.11

II: "Bold, smug, not afraid to blaspheme glories, when the angels, even though higher strength and power, not utter a trial before the Lord offensive against them. "

Jud 1.6: "And the angels which kept not their principality, and left his own home the eternal Linking reserved under darkness for view of the great day. "

Heb. 1.4: "Christ was made so much greater than the angels, as he inherited a more excellent name than they."

Heb. 1.4-9: "For which of the angels once said: You are my Son today I have begotten you?" I will be to the Father, and He will be my Son "and Cinda again brings his firstborn into the world says, worship him all the angels of God. From the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire. But the Son: Thy throne, O God, shall continue for ever and ever. "

Heb.1, 13: "And which of the angels once said:" Sit at my right hand while I put your enemies a footstool your feet? ".

Heb 12.22: But ye have heaped on Mount Zion, the city of the living God, Jerusalem and the myriads of celestial angels ...

Rev. 5.11: I saw and heard the voice of many angels around the throne.

, Rev. 7.11: And all the angels were standing around the throne

Angel sent from God =

Hebrew = Malak, Bene Elohim = Son of God

Angelos Greek =


The Old Testament referred to some of the heavenly choirs.

The Book of Kings speaks of the vision of the throne of God, which is surrounded by all the host of heaven.

For its part, St. Paul, in a letter addressed to the Ephesians, speaking of the resurrection of Jesus Christ says that sits at the Father's right "... above all principality, authority, power and domination and everything has a name, not only in this century, but also in the future. "(Eph. 1.21)

In his letter to the Colossians also refers to them:" .. . For in him were created all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him (Col. l, 16) . With respect to the cherubim in Genesis after the sin of Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise God "... and stood before the garden of Eden a cherub wielding flaming sword to keep the way of the tree of life ". (Gen 3.24).

Comment Times of Noah

Finally, we could go and find more references to the various choirs of angels, but today I want to talk about an event that occurred on December 25, 2009 in recording a cd of a young singer who uses the gifts that God gave for worship.

This cd has the name in its dimension, the recording was made in a professional studio, which could be recorded lots of sounds and voices of angels,

I must admit you start seeing it with some skepticism but wore on the video under my attention greatly how this young man praising God

I could not ensure that what is heard after the middle of the video are angels, that you will decide after listening to some interview but they did to this young state the following when I questioned that he thought had happened and this is what I answer

- Without you doubt any We join the dimension of God,

And joined the Heaven and Earth in Worship the Creator.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tex Capacity Exceeded, Sorry [parameter

Butterflies "Llamangelitos" History

When Martha was born, like Jaime, I sewed for her a few things, like a lullaby, a pillow ... and designed a butterfly with a bell inside, as a "caller of angels."

never heard of the "angels callers, until a great friend of mine gave me a special gift, a silver sphere emitting a gentle tinkling. He explained that his sound, according to legend, notify our guardian angel, that is always close and protect us. I found beautiful, and inspired me for this butterfly!.

Now, I've changed a bit the look of the Mariposita of Martha, and I have done something smaller. These butterflies also have a bell inside ... to be a genuine "Call Angeles."

are now available for adoption, in Ssopiteando , eager to make someone happy!.

Each bag has a very special, a house, where they can retreat and save.

My initial idea is the small Mariposita "llamaƁngeles" to carry around in your bag, pocket, to the bedside table ... but are also a snap to carry on his lapel, or pledge of any site you like!

Their houses are a bag at the same time, also can be hung and very original decorating any home knob, or even in the closet with a bag inside essence, perfume our clothes and give a different touch and nice! :)

In Ssopiteando can read more about my butterflies for adoption!

voladooooooooooores Besitos !!!!! :)