Friday, August 6, 2010

Thrush And Late Period

Göbekli Tepe "EDEN?

Three Stone Circles in Tepe Göbekli


few years ago, an amazing archaeological discovery was made in southern Turkey, north of the border with Syria. Three megalithic stone circles that were deliberately buried for thousands of years on top of a hill in Göbekli Tepe.

What is surprising is the date and context.

These megalithic stone circles are several thousand years older than the built stone circle at Stonehenge, which were built by a society of hunter-gatherers.

Most stone pillars Tepe Göbekli weighing 10 to 20 tons, the largest is 50 tons and more distant quarry was 500m away.

The T-shaped stone monoliths are 3m high, although the one in the center of each circle is higher. The largest pillar is 9m high and are pending in the nearby quarry.

Göbekli TEPE - the megalithic stone circles

Göbekli Tepe is now being studied by the Turkish and German archaeologists, having been first excavated in 1994.

The hill had been used for agriculture by local farmers and the site is on private land.

T-shaped monolithic pillars are linked by coarsely built walls to form oval structures. A low bench runs around the exterior walls. Four of these units with diameters of between 10m and 20m are the oldest buildings in the place and date to ~ 9000 a. C.

The second construction period of 7500-6000 data a. C. which places it within the pre-pottery Neolithic era B. Several rectangular rooms with polished floors of lime were found.

similar stone circles and T-shaped monoliths are in Karahan Tepe near Sogmatar in the Harran plain C.9, 000 a. C. and Cori Nevalý which is 500 years younger than Göbekli Tepe.

The T-shaped pillars supported a roof, but there is more to his story. Small national structures to one side, and the hilltop Göbekli Tepe seems to be a worship center that could accommodate a large number of people.


A large number of slaughtered deer, gazelles, pigs and geese in Göbekli Tepe suggest ritual celebrations and witness the great herds. Although only a few domestic structures have been found in Göbekli Tepe.

Nor is it necessary to postulate a stratified class society, with the elite of the royal and priestly castes. A strong leader could mobilize the necessary manpower, and with a few friends respected organize the stone circle construction, especially as a community we can assume according to the ritual and its meaning. A workforce of 500 men strong would have been necessary to extract and move the stone pillars, and then build the stone circles ritual.

"Garden of Eden" - Thomas Cole 1828

Göbekli Tepe and the Garden of Eden

No traces of domesticated plants or animals Tepe Göbekli only been found in the adjacent region.

The ideas that Göbekli Tepe and the surrounding region was in fact the Biblical Garden of Eden can not be so farfetched, since the environment was exceptionally rich, herds of wild animals were huge, and plants and food were easy to obtain. Gazelle herds may number 100,000, and permanent settlements were built for 12,000 a. C. by nomadic hunters to the store of dried meat.

archaeoastronomy The English researcher Andrew Collins identifies Eden as a large region encompassing the Upper Mesopotamia (southeastern Turkey, northern Syria and northern Iraq).

He believes that the biblical Garden of Eden in the Old Testament is a memoir that is transforming and that persisted throughout the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia.

This memory extremely lush environment of this region of the Fertile Crescent immediately after completion the Upper and the glaciers retreated northward may have been deliberately and carefully preserved by the priests of Sumer, Egypt and Assyria Bablyon. This "legend" became the Garden of Eden in the Christian Old Testament.

vultures and birds Men / Rangers and Angels

stone monoliths Göbekli Tepe were carved with images of animals and abstract pictographs that are difficult to understand. Animal and bird carvings are realistic and the style is sophisticated.

Exposure of the dead former Carnation by the vultures was a widespread custom in the Neolithic Turkey upper Mesopotamia to the east.

In the book of Enoch, beings called the Rangers said they forwarded the arts and sciences, both land and sky, to humanity.

The Rangers and their offspring the Nephilim may have been a shamanic elite who founded ancient Neolithic houses of worship in Upper Mesopotamia. In the pseudo-epigraphic literature, referred to as bird men, his spirit totem.

Vultures Göbekli represented Tepe and other Pre Pottery Neolithic sites in southeastern Turkey and northern Syria can be shaman "Bird People" in suits who dominate the religious ritual more important dela former Carnation from the dead by the vultures.

angeles enoch

"Paradise Lost" - Gustav Doré, 1866

Andrew Collins believes that these "cures shamanic birdmen" were exceptionally knowledgeable and charismatic leaders.

He thinks they are divine beings that appear in many myths of Sumeria forward, and bring culture to ordinary mortals.

The serpent in the Garden of Eden could be a metaphor for the transmission of esoteric knowledge - especially the "wisdom" - for the Rangers Book of Enoch.

of Adam and Eve had been real people, ejected from a real kingdom in eastern Turkey is centered on Lake Van.

Cherubim who guard the Ark of the Covenant, and the Tree of Life is another manifestation of the charismatic shaman of the "bird men." The apocryphal Book of the Giants is also a primary source here.

is well known to the Manichaean religion and translated into several languages \u200b\u200bincluding Greek and Syriac. Observers sometimes have layers of feathers.

The first angels may have been the model for the Rangers. Not originally Christian angels have wings. To be added a la iconografía primitiva Iglesia, en el año de principios del siglo 4 º, tal vez derivado de mantos de plumas.




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