Friday, August 6, 2010

Theater Themed Bedroom


A golem is, in medieval folklore is a living being made from inanimate matter. In modern Hebrew, the word "golem" means "fool" or even "stupid."

The name seems to derive from the word Gelem , which means "raw material". Scholem, in his book "Kabbalah and its Symbolism", writes that the Golem is a figure that every thirty-three years appears in the window of a room without access to the ghetto of Prague.

golem The word is also used in the Bible ( Psalms 139:16) and in Talmudic literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance.

Similarly, golems are used today primarily in metaphor either as brainless beings or as entities serving man under controlled conditions but it's enemies in others. Similarly, it is a Yiddish slang insult, synonymous with clumsy or delayed.

The first stories of golems date back to the beginning of Judaism. The golems were created by people of faith and closer to God.

Like Adam, the golem is created by God from the mud, blowing after a divine spark that gives life, so that the creation of Adam is described at first as the creation of a golem.

From this point of view, some people with some degree of holiness and closeness to God could acquire some wisdom and power.

One of these powers would be the creation of life. However, no matter what degree of sanctity had a person, being (golem) that would create only a shadow created by God, because, among other things, the golem has no soul and that God is the only one with the give it power.


primary disability of the golem was the inability to speak. Having a golem was seen as the ultimate symbol of wisdom and holiness, and there are many tales of golems connected with illustrious rabbis throughout the Middle Ages.

Other attributes of the golem were gradually added over time.

In many tales the Golem has recorded magic or religious words that give life and keep it lively.

burn the Names of God on his forehead (YHWH) or on a clay tablet under your tongue, or the word Emet ("truth" in Hebrew) on his forehead are some common examples.

Clearing the first letter of 'Emet' to form 'Met' ('death' in Hebrew) the golem could be destroyed or deactivated, leaving only inert clay body.

Golem in the Jewish Quarter Prague

The most famous story concerning a golem involves Rabbi Judah Loew, the Maharal of Prague, a rabbi of the sixteenth century. He is credited

have created a golem to defend the Prague ghetto of Josefov from anti-Semitic attacks as well as to address the maintenance of the synagogue.

The story of the Golem appeared in the letter in 1847 in a collection of Jewish stories, published by Wolf Paschel Prague. About sixty years later, a fictional description was published by Yudl Rosenberg (1909).

According to legend, the Golem could be made of clay from the river Vltava (Vltava River) in Prague. After performing the prescribed rituals, the Rabbi developed the Golem and made him come to life by reciting special incantations in Hebrew.

When the Golem of Rabbi Loew grew, it also became more violent and started killing people and spread fear. Rabbi Loew was promised that the violence against the Jews would stop if the Golem was destroyed. The Rabbi agreed.

To destroy the Golem, eliminated the first letter of the word "Emet" golem's forehead to form the Hebrew word representing death. (According to legend, the remains of the Golem of Prague are stored in a coffin in the attic of Altneuschul in Prague, and may be returned to life again if necessary.)

The existence of a golem is sometimes something with pros and cons. Golems are not intelligent - if commanded to perform a task will take and the instructions are executed literally.



woman is told that the rabbi asked the golem to be "the river to draw water" to what the golem agreed in the most literal possible, went to the river, and began to draw water from it until it flooded the city.

The Golem worked for two. Hauling water, chopping wood, sweeping the floor in the rabbi's house and carried out other work exhausting.

The Golem was not eating, not drinking and did not need rest. However, if the Sabbath came on Friday afternoon, when all work must cease, the rabbi withdrew the shem of the mouth.

The Golem was still away, and instead saw a tireless server in a corner of the rabbi's house a lifeless doll.

After the Sabbath, the day of forced rest for the Jews, clay dead back to life after the rabbi introduced into the mouth of the Golem the magic shem.

Once, preparing to officiate the ceremony of the Sabbath in Viejonueva Synagogue, the venerable Rabbi Loew ben Becalel Golem forgot and did not pull the shem of the mouth.

the rabbi had barely entered the sanctuary and singing the first hymn, people came running home and many neighbors.

a panic and horror, the rabbi told breathlessly that the Golem was enraged and he destroyed everything in his power. No one could approach him and the furious Golem kill him.

The rabbi hesitated a moment. Began on the Sabbath, singing the psalm had already begun. Every work, every effort, however insignificant it was, was thereafter a sin.

But was it really well at that time? Thought the rabbi. He had not finished saying the psalm and so the Sabbath, in fact, had not begun.

The rabbi hurried pace up and went home. Had not yet arrived at his house and I heard a deafening noise and dark shots. The rabbi was the first in, others stayed behind for fear ...

Yehuda Loew watched in horror the devastation caused by the Golem: broken plates, tables, chairs, chests and benches overturned, books scattered on the floor. Once inside devastated the house, the Golem preys on the patio with the animals in the house of the rabbi.

hens, roosters, chickens, dogs and cats - all pets lay dead on the floor. The golem was ripped from the earth a thick trunk Linden like a stake fence.

golem y emperador

Rabbi went directly to the Golem. She stared at him, with arms outstretched. When the sage Yehuda Loew played the Golem with his arms, he shuddered. He looked astonished at the rabbi's eyes as if the force emanating from them would have frozen. The rabbi quickly put hand between the teeth of the Golem and pulled the magic shem.

The golem fell to the ground as if he had been struck by lightning. Lay lifeless on the floor, again become a clay doll. All Jews present, old and young, cried for joy, and now, without fear, approached the Golem lying on the floor and began to mock him and reviled.

However, the rabbi, breathing deeply and without uttering a word, turned back to the synagogue where the lamplight Psalm resumed and concluded the ceremony for the Sabbath.


the holy day of Sabbath, but Rabbi Yehuda Loew ben Becalel reintroduced no magic shem in the mouth of the Golem.

And so the Golem and did not regain life and as a doll of clay was deposited in the attic of the synagogue Viejonueva, which eventually turn to dust.

In subsequent centuries maintained the belief that strictly forbade Yehuda Loew nobody dared go to the attic of the synagogue, with the exception of a rabbi.

According recounted an old servant of the synagogue, one day one of the rabbis Prague ventured to do so. After having been subjected to a severe and lengthy purification ritual fasting, came up with a dress of a penitent to the loft, while down the students sang psalms. He came back shaking like a leaf and immediately renewed the ban of Rabbi Loew's up to the attic of the synagogue Viejonueva.

many years lived the sage Rabbi Loew ben Becalel due to his sagacity and wit, who helped him overcome the snares that lie on its way the pale angel of death.

At the end of s. XIX, the bulk of European society adopted the figure of the golem. The novel is notable Gustav Meyrink, The Golem, 1915, based on the tales of the golem created by Rabbi Judah Low ben Bezalel.


This book inspired a classic set of expressionistic silent movies, most notably the series "The Golem, which is especially famous" The Golem: how he came to the world "(also released as The Golem ", 1920, USA 1921). Another famous treatise of the same period is "The Golem", "dramatic poem in eight sections" in Yiddish Leivick H., 1921.

These stories witnessed a dramatic change, I would say a Christianization of the golem. Since ancient times, to Christianity has been concerned, much more than Judaism, excessive humanity closer to God.

why the golem goes into the creation of mystical ambitious inevitably be punished for his blasphemy, very similar to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the alchemical homunculus. Some have considered the golem as a precursor of the androids, further away from its roots.

In 2005, the golem story returned to his Jewish roots in a new comic strip of the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth showed that as a government sponsored superhero who protects Israel from its internal problems and existential.

Probably as a result of the popularity of Meyrink's work, the concept of the golem can be found on various elements of popular culture.


  • The Golem is a silent film from 1915, directed by Henrik Galeen & Paul Wegener, is a clay Golem created by an ancient sorcerer who comes to life in Prague medieval. It is based on the novel by Gustav Meyrink.
  • The science fiction novel Kiln People written by David Brin in which there are duplicates of people that have been created from dirt.
  • There are several musical groups that have endorsed the name, highlighting the American band Kiln People , which grows klezmer roots music, and the Chileans Golem (band) , representing a pop British indie rock influences. There is also a heavy metal band from Germany and outstanding reputation, among others.
  • La Novela Feet of Clay Terry Pratchett golems also evidence in a prominent role, managing how many cliches of the genre satire golem.
  • Pete Hamill's novel Snow in August takes place in the life of the Golem Mahral, \u200b\u200bwhich may or may not be revived in the last chapter of the book.
  • In Pokémon characters appear a monster named Golem in the English version, an evolved form of Pokemon Geodude. Golem is presented with a rock body, arms, legs and head. Also PokémonRegirock, Regice, Registeel, and Regigigas represent golems made of different materials.

golem pokemon

Pokemon Golem

  • In the series Supernatural (supernatural) Chapter infernal House 1x17 - Hell House, the figure of a golem, which has claimed lives because an urban legend (and a Tibetan symbol to channel energies) and their actions respond to what people believe in the legend.
  • In February 1997, the television program The X-Files (X-Files) aired the episode Kaddish in which the "Monster of the Week" was a Golem. The episode title is "Kaddish," and tells the story of a young Hasidic woman who creates a Golem to avenge the murder of her husband at the hands of neo-Nazis.


  • The Golem of Prague plays an important role in the plot of the novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay) by Michael Chabon and computer game Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption.
  • In the anime series RahXephon displayed giants called "Dolems." This name sounds like a mixture of notes solmizated "Do-Re-Mi" and the word "Golem"
  • In The Simpsons episode "Treehouse of Horror XVII " in the "You Gotta Know When To Golem, "Bart gives life to the Golem and forces him to follow his orders horrible.


  • In the anime Zero no giant monsters appear Tsukaima land created by a villain
  • The Golem (The Other, the Same, Jorge Luis Borges) Poem inspired by the myth of the golem of Prague.
  • In the cool and famous novel Terenci Moix, the golem is a clay figure of human likeness, that haunts young men with "borderline" intentions.
  • In the manga Shaman King, and Seyram Munzer Redseb have a golem type machining medium. This chest is the Tree of Sephiroth as part of its mechanism.
  • In the manga and Japanese anime "Saint Seya" specifically in the saga of hades, hades spectrum is assigned to the Armor Golem, Rock Golem.
  • In the Japanese anime series "Monster Ranger" one of the main characters is called a golem, is also a stone golem is afraid of water.
  • In the animated series Gargoyles (Gargoyles) , a descendant of the original returns to the rabbi of Prague Golem to life to protect it in modern times.
  • In the Pokemon series, there is a pokemon called Geodue , which later evolves into Graveler and from there to Golem (Pokemon type is ground / rock).
  • The Young Lovecraft comic, the protagonist creates a golem in his likeness for you to do homework, but can not get along with him.
  • The DVD of Season 2 Nui the disk # 2 is presented by a golem with manchego accent.

Noah's Comment

Whether or not the story of the golem does not cease to be a fascinating subject and surrounded by a great mystery especially when we refer to the name of the Lord (YHWH) that according to the story was used to give life to the golem and which to date is not known the correct pronunciation.

Arguably the name of God has power, it is said that Moses knew the name and its correct pronunciation and spoke it when I talked to face to face as recounted in the Bible.

And the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. (Exodus 33:11 KJV)

Video of the X-Flies Golem TV series


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