Friday, August 6, 2010

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The third temple in Jerusalem will be built in troublous times according to prophecy, at the time of order will be lifted, the steps for this construction is already underway time is about the coming of Jesus is about faster than ever, for the final battle.

Many fundamentalists Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that we are in the "Last Days" leading up to the great battle of Armageddon between the forces of good and evil.

An event that could open this "Pandora's box" would be taking the Monte Temple by Jewish fundamentalists to build in that place the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

One idea that Ariel Sharon persistently strokes.

sharon Ariel Sharon

hidden intentions were revealed Ariel Sharon on September 29, 2000, when then Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Bharak, discussed the terms of the peace agreement Yasser Arafat in New York. Building

the absence of both political leaders, Sharon captained a group of followers to the Temple Mount, provoking an upsurge street violence and leaving a tragic death toll and attacks still persist and have led us to the brink we are experiencing today.

This unfortunate incident prompted the then U.S. President Bill Clinton, delayed peace talks when it appeared that the desired agreement was possible and the division of Jerusalem into two areas looked more closely.

share It was the capital of the holy city between Israelis and Palestinians, which the radical ultra-Orthodox Jews.

israel Almost
three weeks after this incident, Israeli police discouraged a Jewish group belonging to the People's Temple "group that promotes the reconstruction of Solomon's Temple to enter the mosque of Al-Aqsa and to anoint the cornerstone of the Third Temple .

Undoubtedly, these shares were the seeds of the current Intifada of the Palestinians, who feared for the safety of one of their sacred sites.

mezquita Al-Aqsa Mosque

In early 2002, January 29, CBC News reported that Israel's government was currently considering to reopen the Temple Mount to Jews and Christians.

Following these incidents of September 2000, was allowed access only to Muslims, but after the Six Day War in 1967, Israel granted control of the area to the Palestinian authorities always to remain open to all religions.

Now Sharon is determined to force the Palestinians to implement this agreement, something which they oppose because they fear that the Jews, under the pretext of fulfilling the Biblical prophecies, raise your temple on the site.

Recently, there has been another story that has barely been echoed by the press.

In an article published by the National Review Online, entitled Red Heifer Days

(Days of the red heifer) , Rod Dreher explains how the birth of a singular heifer last April 8, 2009 in Israel could trigger the battle of Armageddon (World War III).

This is information that must be analyzed in eschatological terms, taking into account the biblical notices of Latter-day in connection with the Temple Mount.

The article cites Goresberg Jewish writer Gershom, whose work End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount (The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount) apocalyptic describes the intersection of religion and politics, both in Israel and the United States:

What happens in this unique place, more than any other, accelerating the speculation about the end of the three religions .

And in that place, the danger of causing a disaster is critical.

The birth of that red heifer could help to increase this risk.

And, according to Jewish tradition, no believer can walk on the Temple Mount to avoid desecrating a sacred place, unless it has been purified with the ashes of a red heifer thoroughbreds.

(Num 19:2-3) This is the status of the law that the Lord has commanded, saying, "Tell the children of Israel to bring you sorrel heifer without blemish, not have spots and which never came yoke. And you shall give to the priest Eleazar, and he take it outside the camp and be slaughtered in his presence.

(Num 19:5) "Then the heifer shall be burned at his presence, everything will burn their hides, their flesh, blood and manure.

(Num 19:9 ) "Then a man who is clean shall gather the ashes of the heifer and deposit them outside the camp in a clean, and the congregation of the children of Israel were saved for the water for cleansing, is to purify water sin.


These animals are extremely rare.

born two years ago one heifer, also in Israel, but after several months he went white hairs on the tail and the rabbis judged unfit for its purpose.

A setback now to have been saved thanks to modern genetic engineering and the funding of U.S. Christian Zionists.

The result has been a completely red heifer that has received the blessing of the rabbis.

Dreher And, this particular heifer could be the eschatological and political equivalent of a suitcase nuclear bomb about to explode.

A view shared by Richard Landes, professor of History of Boston University and director of the Center for the Study of the Millennium: "This type of circumstance meets the expectations of the people."

If it is a real red heifer and Orthodox rabbis consider it suitable for sacrifice, then the more radical Jewish sector can interpret the new phase of history that they aspire to, is about to begin. "

vaca steers expected to be the perfect candidate

A new phase would include the taking of the Temple Mount, with the consequent destruction of the premises Muslims, to raise the Third Temple.

This would be the venue to await the coming of the Messiah who can not take place until the building is completely finished. COMMENTS


No doubt the fulfillment of prophecy is closer than we imagine.

The Temple Institute (Temple Institute) is working on making all the utensils for the Third Temple.

It is said that Israel is ready and has the technology and resources to build the new temple in just THREE DAYS.

If so, we have very little time for self-fulfilling prophecy.




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