Friday, August 6, 2010

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Blank ammonium and display the word in Amarillo the days of Noah view

This account belongs to the Masonic Grand Master Robert Ambelain high illumintati and appears in his work " Masonic secrecy. " The legend of Hiram is the soul of Freemasonry since the eighteenth century
Solomon son of David, God receives the mission of building the temple according to the instructions of the prophet Nathan, whom the Lord has given the necessary dreams. Hiram, king of Tyre, a friend of his father, he brings in material and support, especially in workers. She sends for example the melter Hiram. One day, the latter is about to make emptying the sea of \u200b\u200bmolten brass to the Temple of Solomon and Balkis, Queen of Sheba, Solomon wants to seduce, to marry her. The people of Israel will attend the casting.

David is the real architect of the temple. It is true that the King of Tyre will send workers to build and that only priests could build it (The Levi and Cohen) Hiram, or the Widow's Son alone was responsible for casting items such as "The Great Sea" and other . Important but not essential as it was "The Ark of the Covenant" To which Hiram I could not access. Why would it be?

Benoni, assistant and faithful disciple of the master builder, has surprised the nightfall three workers, Fanor Syria, mason, ANRU the Phoenician, a carpenter and Methuselah the Jew, mining, sabotaging future mold molten sea. Benoni Solomon warns of the treachery of the three accomplices, but the king, jealous of the admiration he feels Balkis by Hiram and the melter, lets continue the preparations.
At sunset, Hiram gave the order to be emptied. And the huge cast that should melt the bronze sea and cracking has been manipulated. Molten metal splashes arises abruptly and the horrified crowd. Benoni, desperate not to have personally warned Hiram, is thrown from the burning lava.

So Solomon was a wise, screwed upside down and betraying the trust of God, had given him the mandate. This is just bad faith, for the failure of the smelter.

Soon after, alone, abandoned by all, Hiram dreams to their work destroyed. Suddenly, the red cast that shines in the darkness of night stands a bright shade. The ghost moves toward Hiram, who looks with amazement. His bust is covered by a giant Dalmatian tops; iron rings adorn her bare arms, his tanned head, framed by a square beard, plaited and curled in several rows, is covered by a miter vermeil (silver gilt), held in hand a blacksmith's hammer. His eyes, large and bright, Hiram pose with sweetness and with a voice that seems torn from the bowels of brass, he says,

- revives your soul, get up, my son. Come, follow me. I have seen the evils that overwhelm my race and I felt sorry for her ...
- Spirit, who are you?
- The shadow of all fathers, the ancestor of those who work and suffer. Come! When my hand slide over your face, breathe in the flame. Fear not. You've never been weak ...
- Where am I? What is your name? Where are you taking me? "Asked Hiram.
- At the center of the earth, the soul of the inhabited world. There stands the underground palace of Enoch, our father, whom he called Hermes Egypt and Saudi honored with the name of Edris.


is a beautiful poem, but dangerous as the venom of a Black Mamba, and hypnotic as the song of a siren. Those who work and suffer as they were expelled from paradise, and refers not to men, but the guards of the book of Enoch who lost heaven to be trapped by matter, the matter must live the laws of matter and complain about it. The palace that rises on the earth is the Masonic Temple or the Temple of Lucifer. That's where you breathe in the flame. The three names above are names given to Enoch, who seek to associate with Enoch.

- Powers immortal! Exclaimed Hiram. So is it true? "Are you ...?
- Your ancestor, man, artist ... your love and your employer. I was Tubal Cain.

Then Cainites became Gods and Tubal Cain is Vulcan, incredible, but what they preach and is the same lie which deceived Eve, YOU WILL BE AS GODS, promise.

leading him in a dream to the depths of the Earth, Tubal Cain Hiram instructed in the basics of the tradition of the Cainites, blacksmiths, owners of the fire.

Within the Earth, Hiram Tubal Cain shows a long series of his parents, Enoch, who taught men to build buildings, to join in partnership, to carve the stone Hirade, who learned long ago to imprison the conduct water sources and fertile; Maviel, who taught the art of working with cedar and all timber; Methusael, who imagined the characters in the writing, Jabel, who built the first store and taught men to sew the skin of camel Juabl, the first to lay the strings and harp cinnor, extracting from them sounds harmonious ... And finally, the very Tubal Cain, who taught men the arts of peace and war, the science of reducing metals, brass hammer, to fire the forges and blow the stove.

This is Enoch Enoch is not the one who wrote "The Apocalypse of Weeks" also called "The Book of Enoch" This part Cainites and openly congratulate themselves on being descendants of Elohim, but will have to agree with ideologues of the Nazi Anenhenerbe, who swear they are the Aryans.

abstain in any case indicate that Azael taught men to make swords of iron and copper breastplates and showed them how to extract gold and work to get it ready and in terms of silver embossed for bracelets and other ornaments.

Women are taught about antimony, eye makeup, precious stones and dyes. THIS IS THE WAR, THE GOLDEN CALF AND VANITY. And it continues - then grew much impiety and they took the wrong road and came to corruption in all forms.

And Hiram sent to the Luciferian tradition.

is not necessary to comment on this recognition.

At the beginning of time, two deities share the universe. One, Adonai, is the master of matter and the earth element, the other, Iblis (Lucifer), is the master of the Spirit and the Fire element. Adonai created the first man of clay that is subject and encouraged. Moved to compassion for the gross and incomprehensible that Adonai wants to become his slave and his toy, Iblis and Elohim (the gods side) awaken your spirit, give intelligence and understanding.

While Lilith, sister of Iblis, became the mistress hidden from Adam, First Man, and taught him the art of thinking, Iblis seduced Eva, born of the First Man, fertility and, together with the germ Cain, slipped into her womb a divine spark.

According to Talmudic tradition, Cain was born of the love of Eva and Iblis or Samael (poison supreme). Abel

born of the union of Eve and Adam.


Lodges believe in a Triune God who is called Solar, with Jehovah as a God sent only lower than the solar system and living in the physical sun (AS THEY ARE MILLIONS of God) in a Christ who used the body of Jesus and should end the era of the LORD, that will start after the third time God who dwells on Saturn. Imagine who this third God.

Those who do not know who are involved, or the Masons of degrees lower than Knight Kadosh. This story would not be a children's story were it not that those who run them are the same ones who want to enthrone the Antichrist. They also say that use the Luciferian spirits, which are also best friends. In any case this story is a story of betrayal.

clarifies everything, for openly claim to be sons of God, but we must remember that the Rangers were punished for the damage they did to the planet and man.

Then we leave them with some quotes from the book of Enoch.

But you change you are fulfilling their tasks and not his word and instead have transgressed and have outraged her haughty grandeur and hurtful words from your mouth impure. Hard of heart, no peace for you! Said of the guards and then added. Then Michael, Sariel, Raphael and Gabriel looked at the earth from the sanctuary of heaven and saw much bloodshed on the land and was full of injustice and violence that was committed on her. The prophet then clarifies his crimes "And they began to sin against all the birds of heaven and against all the beasts of the earth, against the reptiles and fish from the sea, and meat eating each other, and drank blood .

Then earth accused the wicked for what had been done on it. " It also says the punishment which was "The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azael, impĂștale then all sin. Chaining Azael hand and foot, and cast into darkness." And Michael told the Lord go and preach to Semyaza and all their accomplices who joined with women and became contaminated with them in their uncleanness That their children will perish and they will see the destruction of his beloved! EncadĂ©nalos for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth to the great day of his trial.

Later, Adam did not feel nothing but contempt and hatred for Cain, who is not his true son.
Aclinia, sister of Cain, who loves her, will be given in marriage to Abel.

And despite this, Caine devotes his inventive intelligence, which comes from the Elohim, to improve the lives of his family, expelled from Eden and a wanderer on the earth.

But one day, tired of seeing the ingratitude and injustice to respond to their efforts, they revolt and kill his brother Abel.

to justify himself personally responds to Hiram Cain. The painful stresses of his fate. Only he worked the land, plowing, planting, picking, made all the arduous, while Abel, comfortably lying under the trees, watching herds effortlessly. When I played the sacrifices required to provide Adonai, I love the area outside of Earth, Cain chose a bloodless offering: fruits, bundles of wheat. Abel, by contrast, offered a burnt offering to the firstborn of his flock.

And bad omen, the smoke of the sacrifice of Abel was up straight and proud in space, while the fire of Cain fell to the ground, showing the rejection of Adonai.

just A murder? By God What is this? Cain was cowardly, arrogant, a liar and murderer, out of envy. That is evident in Genesis
Then the LORD said to Cain,
- Where is your brother Abel?
And he said
I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
Cain said to Jehovah:
- Great is my punishment to be endured! 1HE here that you miss me today from the face of the earth, and hide me in your presence. I'll be wandering and fugitive on earth, and whoever find me will kill me. 15Jehovah
replied: "Not so
. Whoever kills Cain will be punished sevenfold.
the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest they kill anyone who might find.
(This is the mark of the beast)

Hiram Cain then explains that in the course of ages, children born of it, sons of the Elohim, will work continuously to improve the fate of men, and Adonai, full of jealousy, after trying to annihilate the human race by the flood, will fail his plan by Noah, warned in a dream by the Sons of Fire about the impending disaster.

This would be a joke if it was not a major deception How Luciferian spirits were to save one of the other side? To one born of Adam) is totally unrealistic to think. Before they cut a chunk, they had saved the Cainites.

O are really stupid or lying, and as they are not stupid then they are lying. On the lies of this caliber, they called the Messiah Synagogue of Satan.

Hiram By returning to the limits the tangible world, Tubal Cain reveals that Balkis belongs to the lineage of Cain and is the wife who is destined from all eternity.

Then, before the departure of the Queen of Sheba, Balkis Hiram and join in secret, despite the jealous surveillance of Solomon. Hiram

descendant Intelligences del Fuego, and Balkis, a descendant of the Air Intelligence, can not but be united. Hiram

be killed by three companions, unduly eager to know the password of the Masters, in order to receive the same salary as them.

The crime takes place within the Temple of Jerusalem under construction, deserted at that time. And Balkis, returning to the country of Saba, without ever having been the wife of Solomon, the cross, without seeing them, the three murderers who carried Hiram's body for burial in secret.

is not true that the Queen of Sheba had joined Hiram, for it to return to Saba and Ethiopia persuaded the people to adopt Judaism, which was the first step before becoming Christians. In almost all if it had been confirmation of a new betrayal. We wonder what other thing has betrayed Hiram to Solomon, who had given him their friendship. No wonder this episode as it has been the ethics of the lodges from scratch. But more dangerous is the assertion of the existence of a stem. This stem exists only to invent a royal lineage of the Antichrist.

only thrill in her womb the unborn child of his love runaway with the Master Worker, the child who will later be the first of the children of the widow.

are called sons of the widow but was not, therefore have a father and say his name because he would evidence of its origin luciferin Or maybe they are ashamed to recognize where they come from? It is a great thing to be proud of the father and Christians, Muslims and Jews are proud to be children of God.

Such is the legend of Hiram, that does not make its appearance within the speculative Freemasonry until around 1723. Speculative Freemasonry was ignoring the previous centuries. Until then, Hiram did not enjoy greater importance in the initiation stories that Nimrod, Noah, Abraham or Moses.

did not matter because, as it was invented the cheats for the destruction of humanity.

The thing is easily understood, because in the Bible Hiram is reduced to its role as founder, without being present at any moment as the architect of the Temple of Jerusalem. If you want to clarify the true identity of the architect, we must adhere to the biblical account, as that was the same God who delivered the planes to David, through Nathan the prophet in a vision or a dream.

Who do you think?

As seen, the legend of Hiram, the forerunner of the traditions of the blacksmiths near Cainites Sinai, is related to a road near the Indian Tantric traditions, ie from the left hand, to use the particular language of these topics and the esoteric.

is obvious from the left hand. There is a quote that reads: With your right hand will show you the gold, while the left were sprayed with poison.


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