Flying Paracas Peninsula, Peru, striking a dramatic shape drawn on the mountain of 183 meters. Known as the candelabra, has remained intact over time, but who were the authors? They speak of a being who came down from heaven.
Flying Paracas Peninsula, Peru, striking a dramatic shape drawn on the mountain of 183 meters. Known as the candelabra, has remained intact over time, but who were the authors? They speak of a being who came down from heaven.
Whenever we speak of evil jumps undoubtedly the name of Satan, but who was, little is known of him and how it was that became what is now.
The Bible tells us how it was created.
Ez 28:13-15 (RV60) 28:13
been in Eden the garden of God, every precious stone was thy covering, the Cornelian, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl, onyx, sapphire, turquoise, emerald and gold: the workmanship of your T amboriles and flutes were prepared for you on the day of your creation.
flutes and drums Ezekiel speaks of the instruments are characters are not one of the meanings of Hebrew flute naked woman with piercings.
Bible Commentary Jamieson Fausset Brownd:
Tamboriles and all signs of joy were ready for you. You did not have, like others, to work to work your way to the throne. As soon as you were created, like Adam, you were surrounded by all the delights of Eden. Fairbairn
for "fife", translated "females" (having reference to Gen_1: 27, ie, female musicians. Maurer explains the Hebrew with no reference to music, but the setting of precious stones mentioned above.
28:14 You were the anointed cherub who covers, I put on the holy mountain of God, there you were, amid the stones of fire you walked.
28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in thee.
Then there was someone before corrupted or seduced the cherub.
Is 14:12-13 (RV60)
14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.
14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend to heaven on high, next to the stars of God, I will raise my throne, and the mount of the congregation I will sit to the sides of the north
But who was the evil (injustice) Zac
5:5-8 (RV60)
5:5 And the angel that spoke out to me and said, "Lift up your eyes and see what is it comes out.
5:6 And I said, What is it? And he said: This is an ephah that goeth forth. He also said: This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.
5:7 And behold, they raised the lid of lead, and a woman sat in the midst of the ephah.
5:8 And he said, This is wickedness and threw it into the basket, and threw the weight of lead in its mouth.
This Video is in no way shows to defend or justify Satan is just to show one side of the story that everybody knows.
Enoch walked with God (Elohim) and disappeared, for God (Elohim) took him. (Genesis 5: 14)
Chapter 6
1 So it was, that when multiplied in those days the sons of men, they beautiful and comely daughters were born;
2 and the Rangers, sons of heaven saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: "Let us go and choose wives from among the daughters of men and beget children." (Gn 6:1 -4) Semyaza
3 Then it was his boss, said: "I fear that dare not comply with this action and I will be solely responsible for a great sin. "
4 But they replied:" Let us all pledge an oath and all under a curse not to back this project to really run. "
5 Then all swore together and committed themselves respect to each other, under anathema.
6 and were in total two hundred who descended on the summit of the hill called "Hermon", for on it had sworn and had committed another under anathema.
7 These are the names of their leaders: Semyaza, who was the chief and order in relation to him, Ar'taqof, Rama'el, Kokab'el, - 'the, Ra'ma'el, Dani'el, Zeq'el, Barac 'the,' Asa'el, Harmoni, Matra'el, 'Anan'el, Sato'el, Shamsi'el, Sahari'el, Tumi'el, Turi'el, Yomi'el and Yehadi'el.
8 These are the heads of ten.
UFOs built by the states united and the Russians will be used to carry out a fake attack on earth extraterrestrial origin.
media will take care of the rest, of course.
this FREEMASONS are ready to begin to establish the New World Order .
The reason: Once the threat of international terrorism has dissipated war economies of the major powers, led by the United States needed a new enemy for this to continue thriving. The war on earth will be replaced by space warfare against an enemy from beyond. 2012 is the year.
These two videos show images never before seen until now as are displayed to look like a movie, the reasons are obvious, since this way there can be no claim as one can argue that is a short fiction.
But the images shown confirm what we have heard from children as a rumor, it ceases to be after you see the following. UFO
There are many ways to possess people, and no doubt the Illuminati (Freemasons) in many ways they are succeeding in a complex and covert.
There's a world of concepts demonic, magical, occult and satanic quickly and very subtly being introduced to the general public. A medical
these concepts are assimilated and deep into the minds of the masses. The ease and frequency of possessions increase. This is designed to make it happen, and is part of a complex system that is enveloping the world.
Harry Potter films they promote and circulate at Overall, this is nothing more than an indoctrination process aimed at children.
Such films inevitably lead to more and more children into the world of the occult.
One of the hidden meanings of the word is (disguised or hidden.
Spells, chants and spells.
All this is real and extremely dangerous and should not be taken lightly, but parents still continue to wear their children as witches, wizards, fairies, demons and all sorts of nefarious entities making them vulnerable to possessions.
These are the same parents who swore that the "magic" of Disney is for children, then explain it hypochondriac has had a lasting and profound in individuals exposed to it.
These are the same parents who allow their children to be possessed by books, films and television programs.
These things were designed to slowly guide the entire humanity to a state of possession.
The possession was, and remains, the primary means by which non-human entities to manipulate and control mankind.
Pope pray for a world authority to govern at all.
If anyone doubts remain about what is coming, this story is of vital importance for the fulfillment of prophecy.
The shocking news states that, in the text, Benedict XVI stressed that "there is an urgent need for a real world political authority" whose task is to "manage the world economy, revive the economies hit by the crisis, prevent any deterioration in the current crisis and the major imbalances that could result. "
Not only that, this" world authority "should" achieve a timely comprehensive disarmament, food security and peace
was transmitted to the TV world in 1969 alone was staged in a Hollywood studio type the U.S. government was responsible for hiding the truth for years.
These are some of the photos I took the Apollo 11 mission on the moon.
This is one of many videos that has criticized the pot, revealing that abandoned buildings found on the lunar surface.
The November 16, 1974 was inaugurated the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico in the frequency of 2380 MHz with a bandwidth of 10 Hz, continuous correction of the Doppler effect, and a power output of 3 billion watts (3x10 ^ 12 by sending a message into space in binary-coded by Carl Sagan, in the hope that some intelligence intercepted it, understand it and may even answer, but the message contained much information about us as human beings ...
Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico
On Tuesday, August 21, 2001 reported on the appearance of two new programs in the fields near the Chilbolton crop, radio telescope in Hampshire, England . The two figures were very impressive.
One represents a human face in three dimensions and the other resembled a radio telescope transmission that SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) sent from Arecibo in 1974.
Figure of a Face and a map in Chilbolton
Table of chemical elements in the human body compared with the chemical elements of the beings who responded. (the difference is silicon) ; These beings appear to be hybrids and big head ....
Crop Circles, drawing on fields all over the world with both mathematical and pinpoint accuracy. Who draws these amazing formations of hundreds of meters of surface?, And most importantly, try to say what
This video explains the significance of the figures that were found in Chilbolton seems to be the answer to the message we send crashed 1974.
the Illuminati, Freemasons, frank-Masons and all other sects Luciferian.
People who are forging their part in the great conspiracy against humanity. Are not the only nor the most important, but also occur and have caused damage. Explores its relationship with Baphomet, that monstrous Men-Dez Chivo, before which they kneel.
The Foundry red shining in the darkness of the night rises a luminous shadow. The ghost moves to Hiram Abbif, which looks with amazement. His bust is dominated by a giant Dalmatian without sleeves, iron rings adorn his arms bare, his head tanned embodied by a square beard, plaited and curled in several rows, is covered by a gilded silver miter, holds in his hand a blacksmith's hammer. His eyes, large and bright, Hiram pose with sweetness and with a voice that seems ripped from the bowels of brass, he says, Spirit, who are you? a shadow of all your parents. Come! When my hand slide over your face, breathe in the flame. I am your ancestor, your love and your employer. I was Tubalcain and you are the last descendant of Cain. Bringing him in a dream to the depths of the Earth, Hiram Abiff Tubalcain instructed in the essentials of Cainites tradition. Hiram Tubalcain shows a long series of his parents: Iblis - Lucifer, Cain, Irad, Mejuyael, Methusael, Lamech, Tubalcain ... Your ancestor ... your love and your employer. I was Tubalcain ..
expertise.sacred Word. MAC BENEAC:
Meaning ..... Putrefaction. Pass Word
Question -: Are you Master Mason (M:. M:.)?
Question - AGE?
7 years and more ..
XXX-XXX-XXX. (They are clapping in threes.)When they reach the master masons of the third grade are sanctified in sanctifying it. That's part of the big lie, and many of the followers do not even intuit the commitment they are getting, a filthy drops of power and pomp in exchange for selling his soul to Lucifer, but is it true?
Blank ammonium and display the word in Amarillo the days of Noah view
This account belongs to the Masonic Grand Master Robert Ambelain high illumintati and appears in his work " Masonic secrecy. " The legend of Hiram is the soul of Freemasonry since the eighteenth century
Solomon son of David, God receives the mission of building the temple according to the instructions of the prophet Nathan, whom the Lord has given the necessary dreams. Hiram, king of Tyre, a friend of his father, he brings in material and support, especially in workers. She sends for example the melter Hiram. One day, the latter is about to make emptying the sea of \u200b\u200bmolten brass to the Temple of Solomon and Balkis, Queen of Sheba, Solomon wants to seduce, to marry her. The people of Israel will attend the casting.
David is the real architect of the temple. It is true that the King of Tyre will send workers to build and that only priests could build it (The Levi and Cohen) Hiram, or the Widow's Son alone was responsible for casting items such as "The Great Sea" and other . Important but not essential as it was "The Ark of the Covenant" To which Hiram I could not access. Why would it be?
Benoni, assistant and faithful disciple of the master builder, has surprised the nightfall three workers, Fanor Syria, mason, ANRU the Phoenician, a carpenter and Methuselah the Jew, mining, sabotaging future mold molten sea. Benoni Solomon warns of the treachery of the three accomplices, but the king, jealous of the admiration he feels Balkis by Hiram and the melter, lets continue the preparations.
At sunset, Hiram gave the order to be emptied. And the huge cast that should melt the bronze sea and cracking has been manipulated. Molten metal splashes arises abruptly and the horrified crowd. Benoni, desperate not to have personally warned Hiram, is thrown from the burning lava.
So Solomon was a wise, screwed upside down and betraying the trust of God, had given him the mandate. This is just bad faith, for the failure of the smelter.
Soon after, alone, abandoned by all, Hiram dreams to their work destroyed. Suddenly, the red cast that shines in the darkness of night stands a bright shade. The ghost moves toward Hiram, who looks with amazement. His bust is covered by a giant Dalmatian tops; iron rings adorn her bare arms, his tanned head, framed by a square beard, plaited and curled in several rows, is covered by a miter vermeil (silver gilt), held in hand a blacksmith's hammer. His eyes, large and bright, Hiram pose with sweetness and with a voice that seems torn from the bowels of brass, he says,
- revives your soul, get up, my son. Come, follow me. I have seen the evils that overwhelm my race and I felt sorry for her ...
- Spirit, who are you?
- The shadow of all fathers, the ancestor of those who work and suffer. Come! When my hand slide over your face, breathe in the flame. Fear not. You've never been weak ...
- Where am I? What is your name? Where are you taking me? "Asked Hiram.
- At the center of the earth, the soul of the inhabited world. There stands the underground palace of Enoch, our father, whom he called Hermes Egypt and Saudi honored with the name of Edris.
is a beautiful poem, but dangerous as the venom of a Black Mamba, and hypnotic as the song of a siren. Those who work and suffer as they were expelled from paradise, and refers not to men, but the guards of the book of Enoch who lost heaven to be trapped by matter, the matter must live the laws of matter and complain about it. The palace that rises on the earth is the Masonic Temple or the Temple of Lucifer. That's where you breathe in the flame. The three names above are names given to Enoch, who seek to associate with Enoch.
Then Cainites became Gods and Tubal Cain is Vulcan, incredible, but what they preach and is the same lie which deceived Eve, YOU WILL BE AS GODS, promise.
leading him in a dream to the depths of the Earth, Tubal Cain Hiram instructed in the basics of the tradition of the Cainites, blacksmiths, owners of the fire.
Within the Earth, Hiram Tubal Cain shows a long series of his parents, Enoch, who taught men to build buildings, to join in partnership, to carve the stone Hirade, who learned long ago to imprison the conduct water sources and fertile; Maviel, who taught the art of working with cedar and all timber; Methusael, who imagined the characters in the writing, Jabel, who built the first store and taught men to sew the skin of camel Juabl, the first to lay the strings and harp cinnor, extracting from them sounds harmonious ... And finally, the very Tubal Cain, who taught men the arts of peace and war, the science of reducing metals, brass hammer, to fire the forges and blow the stove.
This is Enoch Enoch is not the one who wrote "The Apocalypse of Weeks" also called "The Book of Enoch" This part Cainites and openly congratulate themselves on being descendants of Elohim, but will have to agree with ideologues of the Nazi Anenhenerbe, who swear they are the Aryans.
abstain in any case indicate that Azael taught men to make swords of iron and copper breastplates and showed them how to extract gold and work to get it ready and in terms of silver embossed for bracelets and other ornaments.
Women are taught about antimony, eye makeup, precious stones and dyes. THIS IS THE WAR, THE GOLDEN CALF AND VANITY. And it continues - then grew much impiety and they took the wrong road and came to corruption in all forms.
And Hiram sent to the Luciferian tradition.
is not necessary to comment on this recognition.
At the beginning of time, two deities share the universe. One, Adonai, is the master of matter and the earth element, the other, Iblis (Lucifer), is the master of the Spirit and the Fire element. Adonai created the first man of clay that is subject and encouraged. Moved to compassion for the gross and incomprehensible that Adonai wants to become his slave and his toy, Iblis and Elohim (the gods side) awaken your spirit, give intelligence and understanding.
While Lilith, sister of Iblis, became the mistress hidden from Adam, First Man, and taught him the art of thinking, Iblis seduced Eva, born of the First Man, fertility and, together with the germ Cain, slipped into her womb a divine spark.
According to Talmudic tradition, Cain was born of the love of Eva and Iblis or Samael (poison supreme). Abel
born of the union of Eve and Adam.
Lodges believe in a Triune God who is called Solar, with Jehovah as a God sent only lower than the solar system and living in the physical sun (AS THEY ARE MILLIONS of God) in a Christ who used the body of Jesus and should end the era of the LORD, that will start after the third time God who dwells on Saturn. Imagine who this third God.
Those who do not know who are involved, or the Masons of degrees lower than Knight Kadosh. This story would not be a children's story were it not that those who run them are the same ones who want to enthrone the Antichrist. They also say that use the Luciferian spirits, which are also best friends. In any case this story is a story of betrayal.
clarifies everything, for openly claim to be sons of God, but we must remember that the Rangers were punished for the damage they did to the planet and man.
Then we leave them with some quotes from the book of Enoch.
But you change you are fulfilling their tasks and not his word and instead have transgressed and have outraged her haughty grandeur and hurtful words from your mouth impure. Hard of heart, no peace for you! Said of the guards and then added. Then Michael, Sariel, Raphael and Gabriel looked at the earth from the sanctuary of heaven and saw much bloodshed on the land and was full of injustice and violence that was committed on her. The prophet then clarifies his crimes "And they began to sin against all the birds of heaven and against all the beasts of the earth, against the reptiles and fish from the sea, and meat eating each other, and drank blood .
Then earth accused the wicked for what had been done on it. " It also says the punishment which was "The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azael, impútale then all sin. Chaining Azael hand and foot, and cast into darkness." And Michael told the Lord go and preach to Semyaza and all their accomplices who joined with women and became contaminated with them in their uncleanness That their children will perish and they will see the destruction of his beloved! Encadénalos for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth to the great day of his trial.
Later, Adam did not feel nothing but contempt and hatred for Cain, who is not his true son.
Aclinia, sister of Cain, who loves her, will be given in marriage to Abel.
And despite this, Caine devotes his inventive intelligence, which comes from the Elohim, to improve the lives of his family, expelled from Eden and a wanderer on the earth.
But one day, tired of seeing the ingratitude and injustice to respond to their efforts, they revolt and kill his brother Abel.
to justify himself personally responds to Hiram Cain. The painful stresses of his fate. Only he worked the land, plowing, planting, picking, made all the arduous, while Abel, comfortably lying under the trees, watching herds effortlessly. When I played the sacrifices required to provide Adonai, I love the area outside of Earth, Cain chose a bloodless offering: fruits, bundles of wheat. Abel, by contrast, offered a burnt offering to the firstborn of his flock.
And bad omen, the smoke of the sacrifice of Abel was up straight and proud in space, while the fire of Cain fell to the ground, showing the rejection of Adonai.
just A murder? By God What is this? Cain was cowardly, arrogant, a liar and murderer, out of envy. That is evident in Genesis
Then the LORD said to Cain,
- Where is your brother Abel?
And he said
I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
Cain said to Jehovah:
- Great is my punishment to be endured! 1HE here that you miss me today from the face of the earth, and hide me in your presence. I'll be wandering and fugitive on earth, and whoever find me will kill me. 15Jehovah
replied: "Not so
. Whoever kills Cain will be punished sevenfold.
the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest they kill anyone who might find.
(This is the mark of the beast)
Hiram Cain then explains that in the course of ages, children born of it, sons of the Elohim, will work continuously to improve the fate of men, and Adonai, full of jealousy, after trying to annihilate the human race by the flood, will fail his plan by Noah, warned in a dream by the Sons of Fire about the impending disaster.
This would be a joke if it was not a major deception How Luciferian spirits were to save one of the other side? To one born of Adam) is totally unrealistic to think. Before they cut a chunk, they had saved the Cainites.
O are really stupid or lying, and as they are not stupid then they are lying. On the lies of this caliber, they called the Messiah Synagogue of Satan.
Hiram By returning to the limits the tangible world, Tubal Cain reveals that Balkis belongs to the lineage of Cain and is the wife who is destined from all eternity.
Then, before the departure of the Queen of Sheba, Balkis Hiram and join in secret, despite the jealous surveillance of Solomon. Hiram
descendant Intelligences del Fuego, and Balkis, a descendant of the Air Intelligence, can not but be united. Hiram
be killed by three companions, unduly eager to know the password of the Masters, in order to receive the same salary as them.
The crime takes place within the Temple of Jerusalem under construction, deserted at that time. And Balkis, returning to the country of Saba, without ever having been the wife of Solomon, the cross, without seeing them, the three murderers who carried Hiram's body for burial in secret.
is not true that the Queen of Sheba had joined Hiram, for it to return to Saba and Ethiopia persuaded the people to adopt Judaism, which was the first step before becoming Christians. In almost all if it had been confirmation of a new betrayal. We wonder what other thing has betrayed Hiram to Solomon, who had given him their friendship. No wonder this episode as it has been the ethics of the lodges from scratch. But more dangerous is the assertion of the existence of a stem. This stem exists only to invent a royal lineage of the Antichrist.
only thrill in her womb the unborn child of his love runaway with the Master Worker, the child who will later be the first of the children of the widow.
are called sons of the widow but was not, therefore have a father and say his name because he would evidence of its origin luciferin Or maybe they are ashamed to recognize where they come from? It is a great thing to be proud of the father and Christians, Muslims and Jews are proud to be children of God.
Such is the legend of Hiram, that does not make its appearance within the speculative Freemasonry until around 1723. Speculative Freemasonry was ignoring the previous centuries. Until then, Hiram did not enjoy greater importance in the initiation stories that Nimrod, Noah, Abraham or Moses.
did not matter because, as it was invented the cheats for the destruction of humanity.
The thing is easily understood, because in the Bible Hiram is reduced to its role as founder, without being present at any moment as the architect of the Temple of Jerusalem. If you want to clarify the true identity of the architect, we must adhere to the biblical account, as that was the same God who delivered the planes to David, through Nathan the prophet in a vision or a dream.
Who do you think?
As seen, the legend of Hiram, the forerunner of the traditions of the blacksmiths near Cainites Sinai, is related to a road near the Indian Tantric traditions, ie from the left hand, to use the particular language of these topics and the esoteric.
is obvious from the left hand. There is a quote that reads: With your right hand will show you the gold, while the left were sprayed with poison.
FAUN vet DIAB GOD, This Hebrew word in the Masoretic Text appears only once in the book of Isaiah (Isa_34: 14), a passage where the prophet describes the desolation come upon Edom.
belongs to the Jewish tradition but, according to some was taken from the Mesopotamian.
In the Talmud, a book of Jewish rabbis, is considered the first wife of Adam before Eve, is described as a beautiful, charming and seductive woman, shows he is always driven by passion and surrounded by a magnetic mystique, transgression, opposition, malignancy, distress, contempt, rebellion, temptation and desire.
We show her as a beautiful female enigmatic and rather sinister, ominous and evil, wild, impetuous, jealous of their independence, strongly attractive, with burning desire and strong self-confidence, who rebels against the role assigned to their sex.
Lilith has been considered the queen of the succubi (female demons), to align in the enemy of God to leave Paradise.
And there it has come to make a wicked nymphomaniac, who seduces men with expertise to strangle later.
evil of Lilith This condition has led him to be also the Queen of the Vampires.
Not only has sex with men who later murdered, but also feeds on its blood.
later became a demonized who kidnaps children in their cribs at night and joined the men as a succubus , childbearing (the Lilim ) with semen than men shed involuntarily during sleep (nocturnal emission ).
From Adam's union with this female demon, and a similar one called Naamah, sister of Tubal Cain , born Asmodeus and innumerable demons still plague mankind.
Many generations later, and Naamah Lilitah appeared before Solomon's court disguised as harlots of Jerusalem.
The figure of Lilith can be found in a long period of humanity inhabiting deserts and desolate cities, siphoning the men sleep in looking for the blood of children to satisfy their overflowing sexuality and again into the desert or the sea where he finds harmony between owls.
Possibly the most remote history we have about witchcraft, evil spirits and vampires is Lilith.
His first advent is presented in the poem of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian literary text, which brings together much of their mythology.
The Sumerians represented women as a kind of bird with feet and claws owl perched on a pair of dragons, and sides with two owls, their sacred birds, sculpture dating from 2000 BC and proves it.
Later the Assyrians and Babylonians absorbed as a winged demon. This figure would influence ancient Hebrew cultures who represented Lilith as a night or female demon spirit.
This idea would spread to Greece, taking the name Lamia.
The Lilith myth suggests that he used to go out at night in search of wasted semen of men alone to fertilize and create demons.
The Jews are protected from it casting spells.
He is recognized as a monster who stole and destroyed newborns, and as a demon against which used spells to keep him away from the haunts of men, to prevent disease entering and spreading.
Lilith represents the archetype of the feminine denied by a patriarchal culture and has served as a standard of feminism.
Lilith shares the story of the sirens, the Amazons, the courtesans, all female figures who have tried to be assumed as free women, with no need to submit to men.
Throughout history Lilith has performed in several ways:
Sumeria, Inanna
Egypt Isis
Greece Aphrodite
Acadia: Semiramis
Talmud: Lilith
Rome ; Venus
HISTORY In the early days of Creation, God created Adam and knew it was not good to be alone, with mud then created the woman, to accompany him and called his name Lilith, "Breath." Yahweh
then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as he had formed Adam, but instead of pure powder used manure and sediment.
Lilith's name also derives from the Hebrew Lil, which means night, so that Lilith would come to mean the halo night, a term that conveys the idea of \u200b\u200bdarkness, or absence of light.
One of its representations and its partners is the main animal Owl.
Females of opulent figure and spectacular hair wavy no more dress her own skin, provided with abundant curly hair, red, which extends like a cloak around him.
Lilith has a habit of sitting on the concavity of the crescent .
Identifying with the Black Moon Lilith legend is absolutely valid, since the Black Moon has been forgotten by some, openly rejected by others, or considered as a factor evil.
The dark moon is visible on the third day of the new moon on the western horizon, showing a brief sliver of light arched, allowing watch the shadows that envelop the rest of the field.
Lilith committed two terrible transgressions which earned him not only his expulsion from Paradise, but the "official history" vague since the margins, the borders of exile.
The first transgression stems from the relationship, it is said that Adam and Lilith never found harmony together, because when he wanted to have sex with her, Lilith was offended by the lying posture he demanded. Lilith
not obey the order of submission imposed Adam in the name of the Lord, she thought it was equal to her husband, who had the same rights because had been created with the same clay , did not feel inferior, or weak, or dependent.
was a woman in full and as such wanted to enjoy, like Adam, life and all it entailed, including sexuality and eroticism.
She proposed some changes to her husband could also feel pleasure.
The 3 rd tartaric code. He, of course, refused: she had to accept the imposition of love always looking from below.
But Lilith refused to recognize as superior to man, although he had in the body the mark of divinity.
obviously had no place there for two alike, so he decided to leave Paradise, rather than submit and resign herself.
---- Why should I lie beneath you?
---- I too was made of dust,
----- and therefore I AM YOUR EQUAL.
As Adam tried to force her to obey, Lilith, angry, make the second transgression unforgivable
pronounced the ineffable name of God and magic, then rose into the air and left.
Yahweh is the God who is not mentioned, and the law establishes a ban; The ability of humans to create through the language about something to the deity, but the impenetrable face of God in the silence of his true name is the limit.
Thus, Lilith leaves Eden on its own initiative.
Adam complained to God: "My partner has abandoned me" and God sent immediately to three Senoy angels, and Semangeloph Sansenoy to seek to do Lilith and back and found the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons.
She accepts the demons of the world as lovers, and spawned many thousands of demon children, she was named Mother of Demons. There
gave lust in them, in Asmodeus, King of demons to be his lover.
And Other Demons, giving birth to Lilim at over a hundred a day, demonic covered with hair.
"Return to Adam immediately," said the angels, or you drown! "Lilith asked
" How I can go back to Adam and live as an honest wife after tampering with Asmodeus.
"If you will die!" They replied.
"How I can die - Lilith asked again -
If God has commanded me to make me responsible for all newborns:
Of the children until the eighth day of life, of his circumcision.
and girls until the twentieth day?
However, if you see your three names or statues in your amulet on a newborn, I promise to spare his life.
Angels agreed to the deal, but God punished was cursed and became evil and living, according to different versions in the region air and making a hundred demon children perish every day , and when she could not destroy the life of an infant because of the angelic amulet, turned in anger against their own. "
Since then, she and her children torment humans during sleep.
But the evil and hatred made Lilith is said to take revenge after returning to Eden and convinced Eve to eat from the tree of good and evil. If Lilith is the serpent which refers to Genesis in the Bible.
Legends say that when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, Adam tried to be reunited with Lilith, and she no longer existed in the physical plane seabed out to meet him in a dream.
also said that the real reason for the enmity between Cain and Abel was the desire to possess both Lilith.
In summary,
Lilith dared to think that his voice was right on, right speech, right to appoint, due logos. Lilith
dared to think I could decide on their own body, pleasure, about their sexuality. Lilith
dared to think I had the same rights as Adam, the same rights as men. Lilith
dare dispose of her body, he dared to have the words.
assumed the right to appoint, to utter the unspeakable.
Thus, freed the world of the limits of imagination and knowledge, putting on the dark side of creation.
divine punishment was the almost complete disappearance of Lilith history.
God wanted to wipe Lilith.
Thus, the first woman is at the same time, the first "missing" in history: his name was removed from the Bible, he is mentioned only once, in Isaiah 34:14.
translates Jewish Kadosh "Monster Night."
Cassiodorus version translated by Queen "Lamia" has been corrected by "owl."
The Jerusalem Bible translates "Lilith" (Isa_34: 14).
NIV Bible translates -frightening Phantom Night
Many commentators (including Qumran) identified Lilith with grab the Babylonian goddess of lust.
The LXX translated by "ass-centaur '. (A. Cohen, "Le Talmud », Paris, 1950, G. Furlani, " Babylonian religion and Assira" , Bologna, 1928).
A golem is, in medieval folklore is a living being made from inanimate matter. In modern Hebrew, the word "golem" means "fool" or even "stupid."
The name seems to derive from the word Gelem , which means "raw material". Scholem, in his book "Kabbalah and its Symbolism", writes that the Golem is a figure that every thirty-three years appears in the window of a room without access to the ghetto of Prague.
golem The word is also used in the Bible ( Psalms 139:16) and in Talmudic literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance.
Similarly, golems are used today primarily in metaphor either as brainless beings or as entities serving man under controlled conditions but it's enemies in others. Similarly, it is a Yiddish slang insult, synonymous with clumsy or delayed.
The first stories of golems date back to the beginning of Judaism. The golems were created by people of faith and closer to God.
Like Adam, the golem is created by God from the mud, blowing after a divine spark that gives life, so that the creation of Adam is described at first as the creation of a golem.
From this point of view, some people with some degree of holiness and closeness to God could acquire some wisdom and power.
One of these powers would be the creation of life. However, no matter what degree of sanctity had a person, being (golem) that would create only a shadow created by God, because, among other things, the golem has no soul and that God is the only one with the give it power.
primary disability of the golem was the inability to speak. Having a golem was seen as the ultimate symbol of wisdom and holiness, and there are many tales of golems connected with illustrious rabbis throughout the Middle Ages.
Other attributes of the golem were gradually added over time.
In many tales the Golem has recorded magic or religious words that give life and keep it lively.
burn the Names of God on his forehead (YHWH) or on a clay tablet under your tongue, or the word Emet ("truth" in Hebrew) on his forehead are some common examples.
Clearing the first letter of 'Emet' to form 'Met' ('death' in Hebrew) the golem could be destroyed or deactivated, leaving only inert clay body.
The most famous story concerning a golem involves Rabbi Judah Loew, the Maharal of Prague, a rabbi of the sixteenth century. He is credited
have created a golem to defend the Prague ghetto of Josefov from anti-Semitic attacks as well as to address the maintenance of the synagogue.
The story of the Golem appeared in the letter in 1847 in a collection of Jewish stories, published by Wolf Paschel Prague. About sixty years later, a fictional description was published by Yudl Rosenberg (1909).
According to legend, the Golem could be made of clay from the river Vltava (Vltava River) in Prague. After performing the prescribed rituals, the Rabbi developed the Golem and made him come to life by reciting special incantations in Hebrew.
When the Golem of Rabbi Loew grew, it also became more violent and started killing people and spread fear. Rabbi Loew was promised that the violence against the Jews would stop if the Golem was destroyed. The Rabbi agreed.
To destroy the Golem, eliminated the first letter of the word "Emet" golem's forehead to form the Hebrew word representing death. (According to legend, the remains of the Golem of Prague are stored in a coffin in the attic of Altneuschul in Prague, and may be returned to life again if necessary.)
The existence of a golem is sometimes something with pros and cons. Golems are not intelligent - if commanded to perform a task will take and the instructions are executed literally.
woman is told that the rabbi asked the golem to be "the river to draw water" to what the golem agreed in the most literal possible, went to the river, and began to draw water from it until it flooded the city.
The Golem worked for two. Hauling water, chopping wood, sweeping the floor in the rabbi's house and carried out other work exhausting.
The Golem was not eating, not drinking and did not need rest. However, if the Sabbath came on Friday afternoon, when all work must cease, the rabbi withdrew the shem of the mouth.
The Golem was still away, and instead saw a tireless server in a corner of the rabbi's house a lifeless doll.
After the Sabbath, the day of forced rest for the Jews, clay dead back to life after the rabbi introduced into the mouth of the Golem the magic shem.
Once, preparing to officiate the ceremony of the Sabbath in Viejonueva Synagogue, the venerable Rabbi Loew ben Becalel Golem forgot and did not pull the shem of the mouth.
the rabbi had barely entered the sanctuary and singing the first hymn, people came running home and many neighbors.
a panic and horror, the rabbi told breathlessly that the Golem was enraged and he destroyed everything in his power. No one could approach him and the furious Golem kill him.
The rabbi hesitated a moment. Began on the Sabbath, singing the psalm had already begun. Every work, every effort, however insignificant it was, was thereafter a sin.
But was it really well at that time? Thought the rabbi. He had not finished saying the psalm and so the Sabbath, in fact, had not begun.
The rabbi hurried pace up and went home. Had not yet arrived at his house and I heard a deafening noise and dark shots. The rabbi was the first in, others stayed behind for fear ...
Yehuda Loew watched in horror the devastation caused by the Golem: broken plates, tables, chairs, chests and benches overturned, books scattered on the floor. Once inside devastated the house, the Golem preys on the patio with the animals in the house of the rabbi.
hens, roosters, chickens, dogs and cats - all pets lay dead on the floor. The golem was ripped from the earth a thick trunk Linden like a stake fence.
Rabbi went directly to the Golem. She stared at him, with arms outstretched. When the sage Yehuda Loew played the Golem with his arms, he shuddered. He looked astonished at the rabbi's eyes as if the force emanating from them would have frozen. The rabbi quickly put hand between the teeth of the Golem and pulled the magic shem.
The golem fell to the ground as if he had been struck by lightning. Lay lifeless on the floor, again become a clay doll. All Jews present, old and young, cried for joy, and now, without fear, approached the Golem lying on the floor and began to mock him and reviled.
However, the rabbi, breathing deeply and without uttering a word, turned back to the synagogue where the lamplight Psalm resumed and concluded the ceremony for the Sabbath.
spentthe holy day of Sabbath, but Rabbi Yehuda Loew ben Becalel reintroduced no magic shem in the mouth of the Golem.
And so the Golem and did not regain life and as a doll of clay was deposited in the attic of the synagogue Viejonueva, which eventually turn to dust.
In subsequent centuries maintained the belief that strictly forbade Yehuda Loew nobody dared go to the attic of the synagogue, with the exception of a rabbi.
According recounted an old servant of the synagogue, one day one of the rabbis Prague ventured to do so. After having been subjected to a severe and lengthy purification ritual fasting, came up with a dress of a penitent to the loft, while down the students sang psalms. He came back shaking like a leaf and immediately renewed the ban of Rabbi Loew's up to the attic of the synagogue Viejonueva.
many years lived the sage Rabbi Loew ben Becalel due to his sagacity and wit, who helped him overcome the snares that lie on its way the pale angel of death.
At the end of s. XIX, the bulk of European society adopted the figure of the golem. The novel is notable Gustav Meyrink, The Golem, 1915, based on the tales of the golem created by Rabbi Judah Low ben Bezalel.
This book inspired a classic set of expressionistic silent movies, most notably the series "The Golem, which is especially famous" The Golem: how he came to the world "(also released as The Golem ", 1920, USA 1921). Another famous treatise of the same period is "The Golem", "dramatic poem in eight sections" in Yiddish Leivick H., 1921.
These stories witnessed a dramatic change, I would say a Christianization of the golem. Since ancient times, to Christianity has been concerned, much more than Judaism, excessive humanity closer to God.
why the golem goes into the creation of mystical ambitious inevitably be punished for his blasphemy, very similar to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the alchemical homunculus. Some have considered the golem as a precursor of the androids, further away from its roots.
In 2005, the golem story returned to his Jewish roots in a new comic strip of the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth showed that as a government sponsored superhero who protects Israel from its internal problems and existential.
Probably as a result of the popularity of Meyrink's work, the concept of the golem can be found on various elements of popular culture.
Whether or not the story of the golem does not cease to be a fascinating subject and surrounded by a great mystery especially when we refer to the name of the Lord (YHWH) that according to the story was used to give life to the golem and which to date is not known the correct pronunciation.
Arguably the name of God has power, it is said that Moses knew the name and its correct pronunciation and spoke it when I talked to face to face as recounted in the Bible.