Sunday, November 29, 2009

Speech For An Anniversary Of A Company

JFreeChart Examples - Part 2

charts-excel-2007 This time I bring you yet another example .... the graph is PieChart that like the above examples whether to put in a project aparte necesita que agreguemos las librerías que previamente configuramos .

Todos estos gráficos se colocan en un JFrame ….si alguien sabe como colocarlo dentro de un JInternalFrame le agradecería que me apoye con esa información. Hay que tener en cuenta que los métodos que estoy usando no son todos ….hay una variedad de métodos para diseñar mejor nuestro gráfico , pero ya depende de cada uno explorar esta parte y descubrir lo que JFreeChart puede y también lo que no soporta.

Una recomendación final para poder usar mejor los métodos es necesaria la documentación , esta se genera a la hora installing the library ... but I could not make it try to make it through the apache ant but did not work (if anyone knows how to generate documentation for JFreeChart thank you for giving me this information to update the entry step installation and me help me.) Needless to say let's start with a class ... I have called PieChart:

  • This class as well as in the previous example we inherit from ApplicationFrame
     PieChart public class extends ApplicationFrame 

  • that we will import the following libraries:
     import java.awt.Color; 
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory import, import
    org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart import, import
    org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; import. general.DefaultPieDataset; import, import

  • After this we will build the constructor method public
     PieChart (String title) {

    super (title);
    this.setContentPane (crearDemoPanel ());}

  • Let's create crearDataSet method in which we create the graph data, this method can improve positioning a parameter which we send the data to place: private static
     PieDataset crearDataSet () {

    DefaultPieDataset DefaultPieDataset data = new ();
    data.setValue ("One", new Double (43.2));
    data.setValue ("Two", new Double (10.0));
    data.setValue ("Three", new Double (27.5));
    data.setValue ("Four", new Double (17.5));
    data.setValue ( Five ", new Double (11.0));
    data.setValue (" Six ", new Double (19.4));
    return data;}

  • Then something simple, we crearChart method ( should be noted that asks a parameter and returns an object of type JFreeChart), this method does is create the frame where the graph will (if you put instead of ChartFactory.createPieChart ChartFactory.createPieChart3D we have a 3D graphics) ;: private static JFreeChart
     crearChart (PieDataset data) 

    {JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart (
    "PieChart Demo", / / \u200b\u200bName
    graphic data, / / \u200b\u200bdata
    true, / / \u200b\u200bLegend
    / / Color of the window
    chart.setBackgroundPaint (Color.ORANGE) PiePlot
    plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot ();
    / / Color of the labels
    plot.setLabelBackgroundPaint (Color.ORANGE)
    / / Color of the background of the chart
    plot.setBackgroundPaint (Color.white);
    plot.setNoDataMessage ("No data");

    return chart;}

  • Let's create the ultimate method .. this is two lines just
     crearDemoPanel public static JPanel () {

    JFreeChart chart = crearChart (crearDataSet ());
    ChartPanel return new (chart);

  • And finally in the main class: public class Main

    {public static void main (String [] args) {
    demo2 = new PieChart (PieChartDemo02 ");
    demo2. pack ();
    RefineryUtilities.centerFrameOnScreen (demo2)
    demo2.setVisible (true);

  • Finally, this is our result: image
  • The example you can download from here:


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