Elvira Eusebio
Castelar, Buenos Aires Morón
SURFACE: 200 m2
Located in the Rolling Pampa Ecoregion is a collection of wild and recreates the Selva Marginal, Talar and grassland. Species most significant
Experimental Nursery in Space: anacahuita are grown, a goatee, Seiber, Jacaranda, Timbo, Tala, Algarrobos White, Pitanga, Guaran, Sen de Campo, Yellow Pavonia, Guarani Salvia, Salvia Creeping, Abutilon, Tasi, Ipomoeas, Comelinas, Fumo Bravo, Ibirá Pita, Murta, Molle, Oncidium bifolium, Clavel del Aire Cina-Cina, water hyacinths, Pavonia Rosada, Sachaguasca, pimples, Chal-Chal, Camalotillo. Land plants: Bignonia Cat's Claw, Abutilon, Culandrillo, Caraguata, Carqueja, Salvia guaranitica, Creeping Salvia, Lantana Camara, Mburucuya, Celeste Ipomoea, Ipomoea
Blue Isip Colorado, Ibiscus, Duranta repens, Casings Fraile, Begonias.
In the Garden: Common Tomato, Oregano, basil, arugula, chicory, escarole. Observed Fauna
Birds: Song Thrush Colorado, Benteveo, Calandria, Common Hummingbird, Mourning Dove, Paloma picazuro, Chingolo, sparrows, blackbirds, black heads, Honer.
Butterflies: Espejitos (Agraulis vanillae), Almond (Heliconius), lemon (Papilio thoas), Monarch (Danaus erippus), Golden Edge (Battus Polybius) Four Eyes (Junonia evarete), ISOC Alfalfa (Colias lesbia), Insects: Wasps, Bees, Bugs, Bombus, Vaquita de San Antonio, guitarists.
USE: Private, educational and teaching.
SITE HISTORY: This is a familiar and domestic garden has been transformed since 2003, in a space that combines an experimental nursery, a native garden and orchard.
The garden is going to be the traditional, to become another of native species. The same applies to the palm trees consisting Common today, Alamo, plum, cherry, apple, pine, Palo Borracho, the idea is to be native.