Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Occasione Mercury Optimax 150

How Great Thou Art (104 years)

If you are a Christian no doubt you've heard this beautiful himno.el which few know who turned 104 years old.

Personally for me this song has scored 3 different stages in my life and one quarter very special to mark my life and leave me a tremendous education.

The first child when I gathered at Horeb Baptist Church with Pastor Rolando Gutierrez, remember the whole congregation solemnly singing hymnal in hand, HOW BIG IS THE ....

married for the second and ending Sunday to sing this song I had to rush to the hospital because it was time for the arrival of my first child. And

third a short time ago when I had to cross a desert and learned to praise God in difficult times.

But recently I was surprised again with this hymn, a person I shared a sermon of a pastor called Dante Gebel.

The preaching is not new but it does not matter, what is interesting is the application that gives this part of scripture in Genesis 22


preaching had always heard about this part of the word and most talked about the obedience of Abraham to sacrifice for God access to his son Isaac.

But he had never heard what Dante Gebel says and he says it God wanted to test was whether Abraham was able to worship in a moment, at the time that was to take the life of your child.

Abraham said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the lad will go yonder and worship , and come back to you. (Gen 22:5)

many of us will hood of praise and worship our God in difficult times like Abraham was happening at the time of our life harder.

I know someone out of respect for him, not mention his name, which is an example of life for me person, and that happened a while ago by a terrible time with family

And I can share that I witnessed, that during those terrible days that pass, he was able to do something like what Abraham did , Praise and Worship Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior at times heartbreaking, at times of extreme situation. Let's adoring and declaring



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