En días pasados una noticia llamo fuertemente mi atención, resulta ser que en distintas partes del mundo están muriendo de forma extraña y de manera masiva distintas especies de animales.
Estas muertes iniciaron desde el 1 de enero 2011 en países como Estados unidos, Inglaterra, Suecia, Nueva Zelanda, Brasil, Italia, Cuba y Colombia
5,000 aves murieron en Arkansas el 1 de Enero 2011
100,000 Peces Tambor a along the Arkansas River on January 2, 2011
500 birds in Louisiana on January 3 Hundreds of birds
fell crashing to the floor in Murray Kentucky on January 4, 2011 40.000
velvet crabs were found dead in England between the 5th and 6th January 2011
Drum Fish died in Maryland on January 6, 2001
In Florida manatee deaths were reported in unusual quantities
Hundreds of crows fell dead in Sweden
killed hundreds in Italy Dove
In Cuba hundreds of fish found dead
In Antarctica, thousands of young Penguins killed in January 29, 2011
At least eight continuous days continued to appear different species killed
In Brazil
tons of sardines were killed in the United States reported flocks of birds that mistakenly flew north.
And in the last days of January in Colombia were reported killed thousands of fish in canyon vermilion
are apocalyptic imagery and of course have begun to circulate various theories of the possible cause of many deaths.
· It speaks of a gas leak that appears to be a chemical weapon that causes internal bleeding
· publicly accused Russia HAARP program and conviction the United States to continue using these Athens that much harm.
· You related to weapons testing sonic beam Nikola Tesla
• Some scientists say this is because of the decay of the magnetic fields of land and this has caused the disorientation of the fish
· It also attributed to solar flares till
• And some dare to say that UFOs are involved
In order theories are many but no official and persuade. It
laughing at first see how the world press announced the news with dramatic overtones within a few days with the most elementary forms of explanations.
does not take a scientist to realize that something is going on record without a doubt we are living the end times, we are not talking about isolated cases, this phenomenon if such it can call the death of thousands of animals is global and without looking both come to my mind what the Bible says in the Book of Hosea
Os 4
Hear the word of the Lord, for the quarrels with the inhabitants of the earth , for no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God on earth. Swearing, lying, killing, stealing and committing adultery, and bloodshed after spill blood. Therefore, the land mourns, and all who dwell in it languish, with the beasts of the field, and the birds of heaven, and even the fish of the sea will die.
I think the word of God is clear that any scientific explanation that we want to give these events.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkFVIsSUAAk&feature=player_embedded View
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